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Cancer screening will save your life

Our Mission

Nobody should die from a preventable cancer.

Nobody should die from a preventable cancer.We are eliminating late stage cancer diagnosis through screening.  When cancer is diagnosed early, over 90% of people survive. When cancer is diagnosed late, less
than 30% of people are alive 5 years later.  

(Source: American Cancer Society)

Early Diagnosis Saves Lives.

Cancer is the 2nd cause of death in the US Screening can decrease deaths by 50%

Why Screening


Of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our life

Screening finds cancer at early stages when treatments are more effective, less complex and less expensive (Source : WHO)

Early Diagnosis Saves Lives.  Cervical Cancer.

“One woman dies of cervical cancer every two minutes. Each one is a tragedy, and we can prevent it. ”

Call to Action - May 2018: Cervical Cancer: An NCD We Can Overcome Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Director-General, World Health Organization

Survival Rate At 5 Years
Survival Rate At 5 Years

(Source: American Cancer Society)

Survival Rate At 5 Years
Survival Rate At 5 Years

(Source: American Cancer Society)

Early diagnosis saves lives.  Colorectal cancer.

When colorectal cancer is diagnosed early, more than 90% of people are alive at 5 years. 
When it is diagnosed late, only 13% of people are alive at 5 years. 

How ScreenMe works

Screening will save your life. Do it now.

Screening is the single most effective action against cancer. ScreenMe will teach you and guide you through the journey of saving your life and avoid a late cancer diagnosis. Remember that we do have a 40% chance of being diagnosed with cancer, lets make it so it won’t have an impact on your life. Get screened.

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